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Profile Picture for Moore

Jill E. Moore, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Genomics and Computational Biology, RNA Therapeutics Institute

Research Focus - Applying machine learning methods to understand gene regulation

  • Gene Regulation
  • Multi-omics
  • Machine Learning

Representative Publications

  • Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes The ENCODE Project Consortium, Moore JE*, Purcaro MJ,* Pratt HE*, Epstein CB*, Shoresh N*, Adrian J*, Kawli T*, Davis CA*, Dobin A*, Kaul R*, Halow J*, Nostrand EL*, Freese P*, Gorkin DU*, Shen Y*, He Y*, Mackiewicz M*, Pauli-Behn F*, Williams BA, Keller CA, Zhang X, Huey J, Dickel DE, Snetkova V, Wei X, Wang X, Rivera-Mulia JC, Rozowsky J, Zhang J, Chhetri SB, Zhang J, Victorsen A, White KP, Visel A, Yeo GW, Burge CB, Lécuyer E, Gilbert DM, Dekker J, Rinn J, Mendenhall EM, Ecker JR, Kellis M, Klein RJ, Noble WS, Kundaje A, Guigó R, Farnham PJ, Cherry JM†, Myers RM†, Ren B†, Graveley BR†, Gerstein MB†, Pennacchio LA†, Snyder MP†, Bernstein BE†, Wold B†, Hardison RC†, Gingeras TR†, Stamatoyannopoulos JA†, Weng Z† Nature. 2020 July 30 Read Publication