Alexandre Debacker, PhD
Senior Researcher Chemistry, Nucleic Acid Therapy Accelerator
Former RTI Lab: Doctoral Candidate, Watts Lab
Training Period: 2013 – 2018
Prior Academic Degree Institution: l'Université de Caen Basse Normandie
Alexander Debacker
Alexandre Debacker has always been interested in using organic chemistry as a key to understanding biological mechanisms. After being awarded a diplôme d'études universitaires générales in biology at L'Institut de biologie fondamentale et appliquée at l'Université de Caen Basse Normandie, France, in 2009, Alexandre pursued a master's degree in organic chemistry at the same university. During his studies, Alexandre had the opportunity to work with Professor Stephenson at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, United Kingdom, on the synthesis of helicenes and then to work on the synthesis of polyaromatic hydrocarbon with Professor Whitby at the University of Southampton, UK. After receiving his master's degree in 2013, Alexandre started his PhD in Jonathan Watts' lab. He now is using his knowledge of organic chemistry to design oligonucleotides in an attempt to reach highly structured nuclear RNAs.