Idea Board
NAME(S): Deb Wester Area: Hahnemann - Diagnostic What is the problem/waste? Not sure when WET READS where alpha paged to radiologist Idea: Had everyone create a WET READ group contact with the names of the people who monitor the wet reads so that we all know when it was done. all that needs to be done is to click the CC tab and then select WET READ :) Date the idea was implemented: 4/23/2018 |
What is the problem/waste? Not being able to help patients locate HFH doctors because we didn't know their names. Idea: Liz called and asked for a list of all the current doctors and residents so that we can assist patients in finding a doctor they are looking for. Date the idea was implemented: 4/23/2018 |
NAME: Kara Wormell Area: Memorial - Clerical What is the problem/waste? Clerical staff wearing badges and names cannot be seen clearly by patients Idea: Purchasing magnetic name tags with the names on them Date the idea was implemented 4/1/2018 |
NAME(S): Kara Wormell Area: Memorial - Clerical What is the problem/waste? Many patients stopping to ask directions to other hospitals Idea: create directions to hand out Date the idea was implemented: 4/1/2018 |
NAME(S): Lisa Levins and Jason Wilder Area: University - Clerical/Scheduling What is the problem/waste? CT / Ultrasound Patients No-Showing Appointments Idea: Instead of waiting 3 days for callpointe to begin reaching out to no-show patients, our urgent schedulers are now calling patients the following day they no-show to reschedule. Date the idea was implemented: 4/17/2018 |
NAME(S): Diane K. AREA: University - CT What is the problem/waste? CT techs unaware of progress with ED CT TAT Idea: Display metrics in the work area Date the idea was implemented: 4/30/2018 |
NAME(S): Steve Baccei AREA: Radiology Admin What is the problem/waste? No knowledge of Radiology Dashbard Idea: Present at CME Quality Meeting Date the idea was implemented: 4/30/2018 |