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Services Provided by Public Safety Department


24 Hour Police Escort - University police officers are available to escort persons on campus any time of the day. Please note this is a safety service, not simply an escort for inclement weather or other non-safety needs.

Emergency Telephones - Telephones throughout the campus are equipped with a sticker with the emergency number for UMass Chan police. Simply pick up any telephone and dial extension 911. A trained police dispatcher will answer, assess the situation and send help if necessary.

New Student/Employee Orientation - Printed materials regarding crime prevention, services and policies and procedures are provided to students and employees at each orientation. Open discussion is encouraged regarding public safety.

Facilities Survey - In-depth patrols and surveys of exterior lighting, exterior doors, parking lots, and grounds are conducted daily. All recommendations for facilities upkeep such as replacement of non-working light fixtures are submitted to Facilities and the Safety Committee for immediate follow up.

Crime Prevention Presentations and Materials - Department members are available to conduct crime prevention presentations. Printed crime prevention materials on safety-related topics are also available and distributed through seminars sponsored by the department.

Special Identifications - University police officers are often requested to help with fingerprint identification for immigration, naturalization and special licensing.

Domestic Violence Issues - University police officers receive special training regarding domestic violence and can offer special accommodations to victims of domestic violence. Please see our page on domestic violence located in the Community Services drop down. 

Forms and schedules - Several legal forms and services are available through the Department of Public Safety. These include but are not limited to, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Accident forms, Court procedures, and Worcester Regional Transit Authority and Worcester College Consortium bus schedules.