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Academic Faculty Success

Program Details

The program is delivered virtually and is open to faculty across all schools and campuses, and at all ranks and tracks. Each of the three sessions is designed as a “stand-alone” experience and faculty can join the one, two or three that are most relevant to them. The sessions are one-hour in length (5:00-6:00pm) and ample time will be provided for Q & A during each. AFS will be offered annually starting in June 2025.

Session #1:
Academic Appointments & Promotions

Overview of benefits of academic affiliation to career success; Overview of resources available to UMass Chan faculty; Discussion of rationale for pursuing promotion; Overview of promotions process; Overview of eligibility & criteria

Session #2:
Faculty Professional Identity

Overview of the "basic file"; Discussion of CVs & narrative statements as reflection of professional identity; Discussion of formats & tips for CVs, narrative statements & letters of evaluation; Discussion of leveling up- moving from membership to leadership, & increasing academic impact

Session #3:
Scholarly Productivity

Overview of the role of scholarship in academic advancement; Discussion of scholarship quantity & quality; Discussion of what “counts” as scholarship; Discussion of strategies to maximize productivity

Registration will open in early March