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Reserve Simulation & Procedural Skills

iCELS works with each client, customer, faculty and learner to create the highest fidelity simulation event to meet your educational goals & objectives. Please complete the online form below to register your request of a customized simulation session with iCELS.

You will receive an automated confirmation email - an iCELS team member will contact you within three business days of receiving the request.  If you need immediate assistance, please email:

Our goal is to provide you with optimized services.  To help us ensure your event is a success, please read and consider the following guidelines:

  • Requests for new simulation activities should be received at least 6 weeks prior to training dates.
  • All scenario and case information, requests for Standardized Patients, as well as equipment and supply needs should be received no less than 4 weeks prior to the training.
  • New cases and scenario development require a minimum of 3 months lead time to plan, build, prep, pilot and finalize in advance of implementation with learners.
  • Any requests for additional staffing from iCELS to support the training on the day of the session should be requested at least 2 weeks prior to the training.

Procedural Skills Space: 

  • We understand the importance of self-directed learning and skills practice, for sessions with more than 5 learners, reservations are required to guarantee equipment and space availability and should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the training
  • For skills practice with less than 5 learners, reservations may be submitted to guarantee access and are recommended
  • For self-directed learning sessions equipment and space will be on a first come first serve basis and we cannot guarantee without a reservation
  • Badge access to the space should be coordinated through GME program coordinators/program sponsor and iCELS at the beginning of each year.  For inquiries regarding this or individual access submit a request

Please note: Any requests submitted less than 2 weeks in advance may not be able to be accommodated.  Activities beyond regular business hours are available upon request and subject to approval.  The facilities remain accessible, however, a designated staff/faculty member or approved individual from iCELS must be present during activities scheduled outside of regular business hours. Access to the site after 6:00 p.m. would require the use of an authorized university identification card.

Simulation & Procedural Skills Request Form

Does your request include procedural skills? *
Are you interested in offering CME Credits? Please mark Yes if you would like a consultation with CME - Additional costs apply for CME credits; additional information is required for approval. *
Policy Acknowledgement *