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Course Management

Course Requirements

Essential Elements of Graduate Course Syllabi

Course Information:

  • Title
  • Contact Hours
  • Estimated prep time
  • Credits
  • Meeting times
  • Meeting Location
  • Pre-requisites and co-requisites
  • Remote, hybrid, in-person, synchronous, or asynchronous

Course Director Information:

Include the course director's and co-course director’s names and contact information.

Course Description and Aims:

Provide a brief overview of the course goals and content.

Learning Outcomes:

Clearly state the intended learning outcomes or goals that students should achieve upon completion of the course. These outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Required Texts and Materials:

List the required textbooks and general readings, online resources, and software. Specific materials for individual sessions should be listed below in the schedule.

Course Policies (Note-please do not list policies that you will be unwilling or unable to apply consistently and equitably): 

  • Attendance: You must have an attendance policy, clearly stating whether or not attendance is required, whether a specific number of meetings may be missed without penalty, how absences should be communicated, and what penalties, if any, result from absences.
    Please state the policy on absence for the purpose of religious observance.
  • Participation: Clearly state whether or not participation is required, and if so, whether it will be graded.  
  • Late assignments: State whether late assignments will be accepted, if there is a time limit on the acceptance of a late assignment, and whether there will be a grade penalty for late assignments.
  • Academic Integrity:
    • State policy on plagiarism, referencing GSBS policy and Honor Code
    • State policy on attribution
    • State policy on the use of generative AI
      UMass Chan- and UMass system-wide policies about AI are under development.  At present, the GSBS policy is to permit the use generative AI with proper attribution, unless specifically prohibited for a course, assignment, exam, or other activity.  Please note that if you are prohibiting the use of generative AI, you are responsible for equitably enforcing your policy.  You must state on your syllabus how compliance will be monitored, and the penalty for violation.
  • Use of electronic devices: Please provide information on whether electronic devices (generally, and specific) are required, permitted but not required, or not permitted during class.

Assessment and Grading:

Explain how student performance will be evaluated, including the weightage or percentage assigned to various components such as assignments, exams, projects, and class participation. Indicate how the final grade will be assigned. 

Course Resources and Support (if applicable):

Provide information about available resources, such as tutoring, library resources, or online platforms that can assist students in their learning. 

Important Policies and University/Institutional Information to be included: 

Morningside GSBS Academic Policies

GSBS Academic Polices, including the definitions for Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress, and the process for review of academic standing and progress, are described in the Morningside GSBS Student Handbook.

University Holidays

The UMass Chan Medical School recognizes fourteen state and national holidays. The Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences schedules no required educational activities on these days.

Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Accommodation Services

The Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is committed to the full and meaningful inclusion of students with disabilities. UMass Chan has developed documentation guidelines to assist students with various disabilities and conditions with requesting the necessary documentation from their treatment providers. 

Please consult the ADA/Disability Management Center to seek academic accommodations.  

Schedule or Calendar:

Present a breakdown of topics, readings, assignments, quizzes, exams, and any important dates such as holidays or guest lectures. This helps students understand the overall structure and pacing of the course.

Course & Instructor Evaluations

Students evaluate courses and instructors at the end of each term or semester. Once response threshold requirements have been met, the Office of Institutional Research, Evaluation, & Assessment compiles reports that are shared with program and course directors. Course directors should disseminate, as appropriate, to instructors of the course.  Program directors are required to attest to the Graduate School that student feedback about the course and instructors has been reviewed, and they must summarize, if appropriate, changes that will be made or that are being considered.

If copies of evaluation reports are needed for promotion or review, please email Tricia Doane for assistance.

Course Grading

Course grades should be submitted via OASIS within 2 weeks of the semester's end. Course directors and course administrators have grade submission privileges.
How to enter grades in OASIS

Creating or modifying a course

All new courses or revisions to existing courses must meet Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences curriculum and course grades standards and be approved by the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Graduate Assembly.

Procedure for new course approval

The course director completes a Course Proposal Review form.

Procedure to modify a course

The course director completes a Course Proposal Review form but only includes those sections that are changing.

Administrative requirements for offering and teaching courses

There are several administrative components required in the offering and teaching of a course

Registration responsibilities

The registration period is approximately 2 months prior to the start of the upcoming semester

Program Directors

Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences administration will ask program directors to confirm courses to be taught in their program approximately 3 months prior to the semester start date.

Course Directors and Course Administrators

Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences administration will ask course directors and course administrators to confirm the details of the courses identified by program directors for inclusion in the course catalog for registration.

Course directors and course administrators can view rosters in real time throughout and after the registration period in PeopleSoft.
How to view a course roster in PeopleSoft

Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Administration

When the registration period ends, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences administration will notify course and program directors of low or zero enrollment to make determinations of course cancellation with input from the Dean.

Administrative Course Preparation

Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences administration works with course directors, the Office of the Registrar and Academic Instructional Design and Technology to front-load all necessary information required for disseminating course information to students and other offices that have a vested interest. This information includes,

IT support is available for all academic technologies. If you need assistance please reach out to with an outline of your needs at least 3 months before your class start date.

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