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Leading workshop for UMass Chan's Health Education Academy for Leadership and Learning (HEALL) Fellows on designing outcomes evaluation for educational programs (January)


Leading a faculty workshop "Supporting Students’ and Postdocs’ Career Development: Evidence-based strategies for training programs and faculty mentors" at the 2024 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) (November)

Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico (September)

Invited workshop leader for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Experimental Physics Investigators' Initiative retreat, on mentoring practices for supporting use of Individual Development Plans and career development (July)

pd|hub hosting our second cohort of Implementation Site trainings for the pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists (May-June)

Invited panelist for "Career and Skills Development for Grad Students and Postdocs," an event hosted by the American Physical Society's Division of Biological Physics (March)


Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico (September)

Leading session at Cottrell Scholars COMPASS Faculty Workshop on Career Mentoring for Students (May)

Filmed content for the online course, Career Planning for Early Career Scientists, iBiology/Science Communication Lab (launched Spring 2024)


Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico (July)


Panel, NIEHS Biomedical Career Symposium (join) (August)

Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico (July)

Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans at the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) National Conference (June)

Leading session at Cottrell Scholars COMPASS Faculty Workshop on Career Mentoring for Students (May)


Introducing IDPs in workshop, "Individual Development Plans: Understanding Yourself to Thrive Personally and Professionally", with Steve Lee; an American Chemical Society webinar workshop (July)

Teaching webinar workshop "Developing the Right Skills for Your Scientific Career" with Ann Stock and Alison Gammie as part of the NIGMS Training series #NIGMSTrainingWebinars  (July)

Teaching a career development workshop for attendees of the ASCB East Coast Biotech Bootcamp (June; canceled)

Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico (April)

Teaching a workshop on Individual Development Plans at MIT (March; canceled)

Teaching a webinar workshop on strategies for using myIDP for Beyond the Professoriate (Feb; postponed)



Co-teaching full-day workshop on Individual Development Plans at NSF Science and Technology Centers Professional Development Workshop (part of a full week of training for students/postdocs nominated from 19 NSF STC centers)  

Co-teaching a career development workshop for attendees of the ASCB KGI UMassLowell Biotech Bootcamp

Co-leading two sessions at Cottrell Scholars COMPASS Faculty Workshop on Career Mentoring for Students

Recording a podcast on Individual Development Plans for the CUNY Graduate Center

Teaching webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico  



Co-taught full-day workshop on Individual Development Plans at NSF Science and Technology Centers Professional Development Workshop (part of a full week of training for students/postdocs nominated from 19 NSF STC centers)  

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico        

Taught workshop on skills development and Individual Development Plans at SACNAS New England Regional Annual Meeting

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Brandeis University



Taught workshops on the academic job search and Individual Development Plans at Worcester Polytechnic Institute “STEM Faculty Launch” outreach institute

Co-taught full-day workshop on Individual Development Plans at NSF Science and Technology Centers Professional Development Workshop (part of a full week of training for students/postdocs nominated from 19 NSF STC centers)  

Visited University of Connecticut (Storrs campus), to teach a workshop on Individual Development Plans

Visited University of Connecticut Health Center, to teach a workshop on Individual Development Plans

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia Puerto Rico        

Filmed content for the online iBiology course, "Planning Your Scientific Journey"



Taught workshops on the academic job search and Individual Development Plans at Worcester Polytechnic Institute “STEM Faculty Launch” outreach institute

Co-taught half-day workshop on Individual Development Plans at NSF Science and Technology Centers Professional Development Workshop (part of a full week of training for students/postdocs nominated from 19 NSF STC centers)

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – NIH BEST webinar series

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Protein Folding Consortium annual meeting     

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans for Yale Ciencia Academy, hosted by Ciencia PR (Puerto Rico)        

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Ohio State University     

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Graduate Professional Development series    

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Boston Children’s Hospital



Co-taught faculty workshop at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting on institutional implementation of IDPs

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Rockefeller University        

Taught workshops on the academic job search and Individual Development Plans at Worcester Polytechnic Institute “STEM Faculty Launch” outreach institute

Co-taught half-day workshop on Individual Development Plans at NSF Science and Technology Centers Professional Development Workshop (part of a full week of training for students/postdocs nominated from 19 NSF STC centers)

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans at South Dakota State University     

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at MIT

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Harvard Medical School     



Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Harvard Medical School     

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Boston Children’s Hospital

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at MIT

Co-taught IDP workshop at the American Society for Microbiology annual meeting

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Columbia University

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Yale University

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at University of Pennsylvania

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at American Association of Anatomists (AAA) annual meeting



Career advisor and presenter for half-week at FASEB Experimental Biology Annual Conference

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at University of Connecticut (Storrs campus)

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at University of Connecticut Health Center

Taught webinar workshop on Individual Development Plans at Texas Medical Center Institutions’ Presidential Career Symposium     

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology annual conference     

Taught workshop on the academic job search at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Boston University School of Medicine   

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Harvard Medical School     

Taught workshop on scientific presentation skills at University of Illinois Chicago

Taught workshop on scientific presentation skills at Harvard Medical School Primate Center       



Taught workshop on the academic job search at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Boston University School of Medicine       

Taught workshop on the academic job search at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at Harvard University

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Career Symposium  (Featured in President’s Message of ASBMB Today, March 2012)

Taught workshop on scientific presentation skills at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Taught workshop on Individual Development Plans at California NanoSciences Institute, UC Santa Barbara        


(prior to 2012 not listed)