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Piller Goals

The task force focuses on different aspects of this multi-faceted initiative. We collectively recognize that a diverse and inclusive institutional culture will give rise to innovative and enlightened solutions to patient care and health policy.

• Our Recruitment committee is dedicated to the creation of protocols that will guide the intentional recruitment and inclusive support of a diverse and culturally competent workforce that well represents the patients we serve.

• Our Retention/Promotion/Mentorship committee is focused on directed mentorship and advocacy and is firmly committed to creating an environment where individuals from underrepresented minority groups can thrive and excel.

• Our Outreach/Education/Access committee is dedicated to community engagement and mentorship to create opportunities for URM youth and to provide equitable clinical care for patients both in our own community and in underserved communities abroad. This committee will also create an annual curriculum for our department that highlights DEI principles and provides opportunities for both self-improvement and outreach.

• Our Research committee studies institutional surgical workforce inequities and support research that investigates health inequity in our surgical patient population. Our task force will recognize and celebrate individuals within our department who perform this work and embody these principles.