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T.H. Chan School of Medicine students that are applying for away rotations will need to scan their forms to Student Health Services (SHS) to be filled out.  studenthealth@umassmemorial.org

To expedite your forms please:

  • Submit all your rotation application forms together if possible
  • Include your full name and date of birth on all forms
  • Note the timing required for TB Screening to satisfy multiple sites and avoid repeat testing (test can take up to 10 days to result)
  • Please allow up to 14 days for SHS to complete these forms

Once the form has been completed, the SHS Admin will scan your forms back to you via email and will notify you if further information, labs, or vaccines are required.

If you are sick and need medical care while you are at an off-site/away rotation, please contact your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Or, if available, you may contact an urgent care clinic in your area. (Please be sure to check your insurance coverage).If you are in need of emergent care, please go to your closest Emergency Room.