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Request a CORI/Criminal Background Check

Often, a visiting rotation site requires a Criminal Background Check before a student is permitted to participate in their rotation. The steps to initiate a Criminal Background Check are as follows:

National Criminal Background (NCB) Check:  UMass Chan uses an external agency (Certiphi Screening, Inc., of Vertical Screen) for processing NBC checks. Students requesting a NCB should complete the CBC Consent and Waiver for UMass Chan to perform CBC for Away Rotation on the right side of this page and email it to Student Affairs along with a valid driver's license or government issued photo identification, or they can bring these items to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). OSA will then process the request, and the student will subsequently receive an email from studentedition@verticalscreen.com with instructions on how to initiate their background check. Students should follow all application instructions carefully and respond quickly to all requests for additional information from Certiphi Screening/Vertical Screen to ensure that their NCB is processed in a timely manner. Once the report is completed, the student will receive a copy. 

Massachusetts Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI):  Students requesting a CORI should complete the UMass Chan CORI Consent Form found on the right side of this page. Completing this form includes uploading a copy of a valid driver's license or government issued photo identification. OSA will be automatically notified when a CORI Consent Form is submitted and will process the request via UMass Chan Human Resources (HR). If a student is interested in receiving a copy of their CORI report, OSA can assist with connecting them with HR to request this. Please feel free to email Student Affairs with any questions.