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Current Research Studies

For more information about any of our current studies, please contact us:
Phone: 508-856-MIND(6463)
Email: MIND@umassmed.edu

 All of our studies are conducted at the Family Health Center, located at 26 Queen Street, Worcester, MA, 01610, which is across the street from Community Healthlink.

The Substance Use Study

Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder? Do you or that person also use alcohol, marijuana, or any other drugs?

If so, you or someone you know may be eligible to participate in a research study conducted at UMass Chan Medical School. The purpose of this study is to see whether brexpiprazole, an investigational drug, can help reduce substance use in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. Your participation in the study will last 12 weeks. You will be compensated for your time. Docket # H-00014611

“Recovery Through Performance” - A Drama Therapy Study

The UMASS MIND program is launching a drama therapy study, titled “Recovery Through Performance”.  It is a 12-week study investigating recovery through theatrical performance for people with mental illness. The drama therapy sessions will be led by Lesley University drama therapists, provided at no cost, and will take place on Zoom video chat. The sessions will lead up to a public in-person performance. Docket # H00023751


The UMASS MIND Program is hosting a virtual social skills training groups for individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. It is a one-year study investigating the efficacy of CET (Cognitive Enhancement Therapy) when compared to HOPES SST (Helping Ourselves Pursue and Experience Success Social Skills Training) and whether some clients benefit more from one of the two treatments. The groups are provided at no cost and will be hosted virtually through Zoom video chat.

The Negative Symptoms Study

Are you experiencing negative symptoms of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder?

If so, you or someone you know may be eligible to participate in a research study conducted at UMass Chan Medical School. The purpose of this study is to see if an investigational drug has effects on the negative symptosm of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Your participation will last approximately 5-months. You will be compenstated for your time. Docket # H00016707

COVID-19 Education and Support program

The UMass MIND Program is launching a virtual COVID-19 education and support program for individuals with serious mental illness, their family members, and community health workers.

We understand that individuals with mental illness and their family members are facing serious and intensified mental, physical, and social health challenges due to our current circumstances. Community health workers (especially staff working in supportive residential facilities) are at times the only point of contact for social and emotional support. Fatigue, stress, and workplace burnout have become a new normal. As such, the UMass Chan MIND Community Intervention Program is launching a virtual education and support program for individuals with serious mental illness, their family members, and community health workers. Docket # H-00020446

The Virtual Early Psychosis Education Event

The MIND Program is hosting a virtual webinar for college students to provide education on early psychosis. Symptoms around distorted realities typically are onset around the age of college students. Because of that, the purpose of the event is to learn about early psychosis in areas such as identifying warning signs, causes, and resources to receive treatment. The session will be held virtually via Zoom on 6/25/2020 at 1:00 pm. Docket# H00018746_1