Director, Bruce Woda, MD
About Us
Hours of Operation
Specimen Deivery and Requirements
Contact Information
About UsOur Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory provides professional consultation and testing services to the UMass Memorial Medical Center and central Massachusetts Hospitals for the evaluation of potential leukemias, lymphomas, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disease, and a variety of other genetic, immunologic, hematologic, oncologic diseases and disorders.
The laboratory performs over 2150 tests per year. Our routine tests include full leukemia / lymphoma panels and minimal residual disease testing, routine lymphocyte subset analysis, CD34 enumeration and PNH diagnosis.
Test results generally can be supplied in one or two days from receipt of sample, depending on the nature of the workup performed. Flow cytometric results are available within hours if needed.
Dr. Bruce Woda
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Emergency specimens can be processed on Saturday or Sunday. The laboratory must be notified by 12 noon and the specimens must arrive by 1 pm.
For Saturday emergency specimens, please page the clinical pathology residents at 7899. The hematopathologist on call can be reached through the UMass Memorial Medical Center operator at 508-334-1000.
Specimen Delivery and Requirements
Bone marrow aspirate: Minimum of 2 ml in a heparinized (green top) tube, store at room temperature.
Peripheral Blood: One EDTA (preferred; purple top) tube or heparinized (green top) tube with at least 5 ml of blood, store at room temperature.
Lymph node biopsy or other type of surgical specimen: minimally 5x5x5 mm portion of fresh lymph node (or other type of tissue) in tissue culture medium, store at 2-8°C (wet ice). Normal saline may be used if culture medium is unavailable and transport time is kept to a minimum.
Body fluids: Require a minimum of approximately 100,000 cells (e.g. 100 cells/ ul x 1 ml; 10 cells /ul x 10 ml) and store at 2-8°C (wet ice).
Fine needle aspirates: suspended in tissue culture medium and store at 2-8°C (wet ice). Normal saline may be used if culture medium is unavailable. Transport time is kept to a minimum.
Special instructions: In all cases, notify the lab before the specimen is sent (508-793-6230). If possible, notify lab one day in advance. Specimens must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, and by 3 pm the day before a holiday. If a late arrival is anticipated, please call the laboratory to confirm that the test can be performed. Send a complete requisition. Send all specimens at room temperature. Use adequate safety measures in transporting sample.
Mary Andersen, Supervisor
Division of Anatomic Pathology
UMass Memorial Medical Center
Three Biotech, One Innovation Drive
Worcester, MA 01605
Tel: (508)793-6230