Longitudinal Preceptor Program
If interested in becoming a Preceptor for LPP, please email LPP@umassmed.edu
Please note the preceptor commitment is 18 months.
Program Objectives
For information on program objectives, please refer to your Preceptor Syllabus distributed at the beginning of the Academic Year.
Workplace Based Assessments (WBAs) | Instructions attached
WBA’s will be completed 3 times during each academic year. Students will send you a link and you will fill them out within 48 hours. These will take the place of the long end of year evaluation. These will give students timely feedback so that they can improve their skills. The Early Clinical Learning course (ECL) uses WBAs in the Physical Diagnosis and Hospital session components of the course. Students are used to this type of evaluation.
Preceptor Honorarium
Please note that payment disbursement is made to your clinical site location, and disbursement of funds within your practice will need to be discussed internally. UMass Chan provides each preceptor a stipend per 6 (3 with each LPP student) sessions in an Academic Year.
Updated FEB 2025 | cjb