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Julie Darcy, DNP, PhDJulie Darcy, DNP, PhD, joined our neurology community in October, 2024, as a nurse practitioner, supporting patients in the Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Clinic and research initiatives in Dr. Barrett’s Right Brain Research Lab. Dr. Darcy grew up in Falls Church, Virginia, before moving to North Carolina, upstate New York, and New Mexico before moving to Massachusetts in 2015.  

Darcy earned a PhD in Biochemistry from Wake Forest University in 1994, before studying adhesion in inflammatory cells at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, and her Acute Care DNP at UMass Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing in June 2024.  

Her current research interests include neuro-rehabilitation after stroke, investigating the efficacy of Prism Adaptation Therapy on spatial neglect in right-sided stroke patients. She has supported patients with cognitive impairment and/or dementia in the clinic with Cognitive Care Planning strategies.. 

Dr. Darcy was inspired to work with cognitively impaired patients when caring for her elderly parents through by understanding the influence physical health has on a person’s cognitive health and quality of life. Dr. Darcy strives to improve the quality of life for someone else’s loved-ones, especially amongst the geriatric population.