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Luke Wakeen, MDDate published: December 3, 2024

December Resident Spotlight: Luke Wakeen, MD


In this month’s Resident Spotlight, we feature Luke Wakeen, MD, a third-year, categorical Internal Medicine resident. We recently caught up with Dr. Wakeen to learn more about his clinical and research interests, what makes UMass Chan a great place for residency, and more! 


Wilton, CT. I spent 6 years in the DC area after college in Maryland, so it is a kind of second hometown. 

What are your clinical and research interests?
I am interested in cardiovascular research. I am also interested in heart failure readmission, the effects of MitraClip on cardiovascular function, and the effect of weight loss or GLP-1 RA on the diastolic function of the heart. 

Are you involved in any other groups or activities at UMass Chan that you’d like to highlight?
I am on the readmission committee. Additionally, I did a green belt in QI with the Interprofessional Quality Improvement Council. Last year, I was on the Worcester Medical Society Editorial Board for their quarterly journal. 

What makes UMass Chan a great place for your residency?
It is consistent across the board that this is a place where kind people make their careers, from co-residents to chiefs, attendings, and residency staff. I have to thank our great PD and my APD Dr. Poisson-Irani, for their incredible support in every situation! 

Favorite hobbies? 
I recently started crocheting and I love it. It is a great stress reliever. I am working on a blanket for my niece. 

Favorite thing to do in Worcester/Worcester area?
I like to play frisbee golf. It is a great reason to walk in the woods! 

In your spare time, what TV show do you binge?
The Wire or Star Wars. 

Favorite guilty pleasure snack? 
I love a good brownie and ice cream or the chocolate-covered orange sticks from Trader Joe’s! 

What song/artist do you hope comes on first when you press random play on your playlist?
Lately, it is Tainted Love by Soft Cell or Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics.