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Meet the Law & Psychiatry Clinical Team

The Law & Psychiatry Program is an interdisciplinary collaboration of UMass Chan Medical School faculty and staff within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School devoted to forensic clinical services, research, data-driven policy, training, and implementation support, at the interfaces of the behavioral sciences, psychiatry, psychology, and the law. 

The Law & Psychiatry Program is currently co-directed by Natalie Anumba, PhD, ABPP, for the clinical side, and Gina Vincent, PhD, for the research and implementation support side.


Natalie Anumba, PhD, DFP, ABPP, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Co-Director of Law & Psychiatry Program

Clinical and Training Expertise: Criminal forensic mental health assessment, forensic psychology education, and supervision, criminal responsibility, violence risk assessment, integration of identity context into forensic mental health assessment, forensic telehealth  

Brian Daly, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair of Public Sector Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: Acute mental illness, substance use disorders, psychosis, restoration to competency, de-prescribing, supervision of mid-level providers, delirium, and decisional capacity (especially relating to consent to treatment).

Research Interests: Behavioral Health systems of care, mental health courts, public sector psychiatry, public health, addiction psychiatry, neuromodulation, paraphilias, education of mid-level providers, malingering, stalking, violence in treatment settings.

Margarita Abi Zeid Daou, MD, DFP, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Associate Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

Clinical Expertise: Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry. Associate Medical Director of Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital. Associate Training Director for the UMASS Chan Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship.

Research Interests: Psychosis, malingering, pregnancy denial and neonaticide, expert witness testimony

Andrea Dinsmore, PsyD, DFP, ABPP, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Director Mobile Forensic Evaluation Service

Clinical Expertise: Board Certified Forensic Psychologist specializing in both civil and criminal forensic evaluation, including competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, risk assessment, need for psychiatric hospitalization, psychodiagnostic formulation, competency to waive Miranda, juvenile forensic evaluation, and consultation.

Ashley Murray, PhD, DFP, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Director, Forensic Psychology Fellowship

Clinical Expertise: Conducting court evaluations for criminal defendants, for violence risk assessment (including specialized violence risk assessments), competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility (insanity defense), and aid-in-sentencing, among others. Provides trainings and workshops on these topics.

Research Interests: Violence risk assessment, psychopathic and borderline personality disorder, evidence-based treatment, stalking, interpersonal violence.

Paul Noroian, MD, DFAPA, DFP, Associate Professor, Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

Clinical Expertise: Treatment of chronic and persistent mental illness; Management of aggression; Psychiatric treatment of individuals involved in the legal system

Research Interests: Impact of landmark legal decisions on the practice of psychiatry; civil commitment; guardianship and substituted judgment; the history of forensic psychiatry

Danielle Rynczak, JD, PsyD, ABPP, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Director, Legal Education & Training

Clinical Experience: Board Certified Forensic Psychologist conducting adult and juvenile civil, criminal, and immigration evaluations, including criminal responsibility, diminished capacity, mitigation and aid-in-sentencing, competency to stand trial, Miranda waiver, violence risk assessments, civil commitment, asylum evaluations, parenting evaluations, termination of parental rights evaluations, special education and disability assessments; and consultation. 

Training & Related Research Interests:  Assessing and determining the relevance of identity factors, including race, ethnicity and culture in forensic evaluations (e.g., Miranda, competency, criminal responsibility, mitigation, and violence risk); pro/low bono work in forensic psychology; teaching, mentoring, and supervising through a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging lens; inclusive teaching practices; white supremacy impacts on teaching, learning, and representation in the field of forensic psychology; serious and persistent mental illness at the crossroads of forensic psychology; changing laws' impacts on forensic practice.

Christine Rainvile, Administrative Assistant

Christine supports the Law & Psychiatry Department, particularly with the Mobile Forensic Psychology Department and Residency Program as well as the Comprehensive Psychology Training Program at UMass Chan Medical School and Worcester Recovery Center Hospital. She enjoys supporting and assisting the postdocs, interns, and practicum students as they develop their educational and career pathways. 


Shannon Brown, PsyD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: Treatment of adults with serious and persistent mental illness; psychological and forensic assessment of adults; forensic mental health evaluations in Massachusetts’ public sector; providing expert testimony for competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and civil commitment cases.

Research Interests: Utilization of language interpreters in adult forensic mental health assessment; identification of barriers and factors that promote the use of language interpreters in forensic psychology.

Jeffrey Burl PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: Practice interests center around forensic mental health assessment, and he is the primary supervisor on the Forensic Evaluation rotation for the UMass Chan Psychology Internship. He is the former Director of the UMass Chan Internship, and he continues to be involved in various training settings in the School. Additionally, he maintains a practice where he conducts therapy, assessment, and consultation.

Research Interests: Teaching and training methods in psychology training programs, standards of education in forensic psychology, and mental health assessment.

Maxwell Christensen, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: I have specialized training in forensic psychology and conduct forensic mental health evaluations for adults, including competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and assessment of violence risk; I also have clinical interests in the assessment and treatment of substance use disorders and serious mental illness.

Research Interests: Risk assessment, Substance use disorders, Measurement-based care, and treatment outcome monitoring, Teaching and training of students in psychology.

Vera Klinoff, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Vera Klinoff is a forensic evaluator with the UMMS Mobile Forensic Service and a clinical neuropsychologist for UMass Memorial’s outpatient psychiatry neuropsychology service. She obtained her BS in psychology and PhD. in clinical psychology from Nova Southeastern University. She completed a predoctoral internship in psychology at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, N.C. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology through the Law and Psychiatry Program at UMMS and completed a two-year fellowship in clinical neuropsychology through UMMS. She is bilingual and bicultural and provides services in both English and Spanish. Her clinical and research interests include cross-cultural evaluation and the integration of forensic and neuropsychology.

Ashley MacLean, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: Board-certified in Adult Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Addiction Medicine. Inpatient psychiatrist on the court evaluation unit of Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital. Clerkship Director for the UMASS Chan Forensic Psychiatry rotation. Council Member – The American Psychiatric Association’s Council of Law and Psychiatry.  Member and Prison Representative Consultant for the UMass IRB (Institutional Review Board). UMass Chan Medical School Faculty Council Member.

 Research Interests: Psychosis, acute mania, malingering, violence in treatment settings, addiction medicine, psychopathy, complex psychopharmacology, psychosomatic medicine, court, and expert witness testimony, NGRI evaluations, teaching and training of psychiatry residents and fellows.

Emily Padilla, PsyD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: Forensic mental health evaluations, risk assessment, psychological assessment, treatment and evaluation of adults with serious mental illness, working with psychology training programs.

Research Interests: Social justice advocacy within psychology and psychology training programs, cultural humility in professional practice, autism within the criminal justice system.

Heidi Putney, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical Expertise: CBT-trained clinical psychologist with an emphasis on anger management and treating problematic sexual behaviors. Dr. Putney specializes in forensic evaluation (competency to stand trial and criminal responsibility) for individuals with serious mental illness. 

Research Interests: Public policy reform, program development and evaluation, professional development in psychologists, training in social justice advocacy, and issues related to forensic psychology.

Amam Saleh, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Clinical expertise: Treatment of persons with severe mental illness, legal history, and other complex issues; Violence Prevention and Aggression Management; Consulting on complex cases involving significant risk issues; systems-level risk management; and Training and development of training programs impacting clinical issues.

Research Interests: Interaction between law enforcement and persons with severe mental illness, and Violence Prevention and Management.

Affiliated Professionals for Training

Andrew Bourke, PhD, Western MA Court Clinics, MA Department of Mental Health

Terrie Burda, PsyD, Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital, MA Department of Mental Health

Dan Comiskey, MD, Bridgewater State Hospital

Maryann Davis, PhD, Professor Emerita of Psychiatry, iSPARC at UMass Chan Medical School

Dara Drawbridge, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, iSPARC at UMass Chan Medical School

James Feldman, MD, Massachusetts Mental Health Center

Nathan Frommer, JD, LLM, Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital, MA Department of Mental Health

Laura Grant, PsyD, US Department of Veterans Affairs

Darina Griffin, JD, Board of Registration in Medicine

Jessica Griffin, PsyD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Lifeline for Kids

Bryan Hughes, PsyD, Boston Juvenile Court Clinic, MA Department of Mental Health

Heather Jackson, PsyD, Boston Municipal Court, Department of Mental Health

Bruce Loding, PhD, MIPSB, MA Department of Mental Health

Carla Lourenco, PsyD, Southeast Court Clinics, MA Department of Mental Health

Lauren Lussier, PsyD, Bridgewater State Hospital

Jennifer McAllister, PsyD, ABPP, Plymouth Court Clinic

Adeliza Olivero, MD, Boston Municipal Court, Roxbury Division, Court Clinic MA Department of Mental Health

Arthur Pearson, PhD, Taunton District Court, MA Department of Mental Health

Eden Prendergast, JD, Executive Office of the Trial Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Juliana Reiss, PsyD, Western MA Court Clinics, MA Department of Mental Health

Sean Ryan, PhD, Director of Forensic Services, Bridgewater State Hospital

Renee Sorrentino, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Karin Towers, JD, PhD, ABPP, Southeast Court Clinics, MA Department of Mental Health

Kyle Walker, MD, Bridgewater State Hospital

John Young, PsyD, Bridgewater State Hospital