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The Precepting Environment

Please note
: for some of the suggested readings, only an abstract is available here, but should serve as a starting point if you wish to pursue finding the reading in its entirety through the institution or site you are professionally affiliated with.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Nursing

The AACN’s position paper for nursing education, research, and practice.  

How Nurse Leaders Can Promote Diversity in Nursing  This short blog post from the American Nurses Association provides strategies for promoting teamwork and communication in your program, clinic, or site. 
Key Tips to Providing a Psychologically Safe Learning Environment in the Clinical Setting This open access article provides general guidelines for creating psychologically safe learning environments for nurses in clinical settings. The authors present four general categories: 1) before meeting students, 2) first meeting students, 3) continued relationship with students, and 4) general rules 
The Cultural Proficiency Framework 

This framework offers important insights and guidance on the essential elements of effective engagement with others through four “tools”: Elements, the Continuum, the Barriers and the Principles.

From the book: Nuri-Robins, K., & Bundy, L. (2016). Fish out of water: Mentoring, monitoring and self-managing people who don't fit in. Corwin Publishing.

Strategies to Reduce Bias and Racism in Nursing Precepted Experiences  This article provides guidance and strategies for best practices in training environments.
ACTION Framework ACTION is “response strategy” for effectively responding when a microaggression occurs. In this linked blog post, the creator of ACTION describes each component of the strategy.