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Scholarly Talks and Policy Sessions



Leading a workshop with Bill Lindstaedt and Barbara Natalizio at the National Postdoctoral Association's annual meeting (March)

Presenting a colloquium presentation with Katie Kearns at the Understanding Interventions conference (Feb.)


Katie Kearns and Susie Calkins present "Accelerating adoption of evidence-based practices for PhD career development through interprofessional communities of practice" in the GPPD Showcase at the POD Network annual conference (Nov.)

Leading an interactive session on training and mentoring practices to support career exploration, at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Oct.)

pd|hub team presented an update on our pd|hub Collections project at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

Co-faciltitating with Sonali Majumdar and Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv a session at the exploratory workshop, “Teaching the Creative Scientific Process,” at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute; related paper (May)

Gave a lightening talk at the workshop Empowering Senior Higher Education Leaders in Developing an Equitable Research Ecosystem, hosted by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's Roundtable on Mentorship, Well-Being, and Professional Development (April)

Led a faculty workshop with Erica Gobrogge at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) annual conference, "Integrating inclusive, evidence-based practices into your training programs and mentorship to support career development" (March)

Invited panelist for the AAAS Multidisciplinary Working Group's Roundtable on empowering STEM career pathways, held adjacent to the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting (February)


Presenting at the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual conference's Education Minisymposium: Narrowing the Gap: Inclusive Teaching Strategies to Engage and Retain Students (Dec.)

Invited panelist for the public workshop on Preparing the Future Workforce in Drug Research & Development, hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation and the Roundtable on Black Men and Black Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine (Oct.)

pd|hub team presents an update on the pd|hub Collection, Foundations of Career Exploration, at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Sept.)

pd|hub Fellows and team present a poster about the pd|hub Collections at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

pd|hub team and Fellows Suprawee Tepsuporn and Ryan Wheeler lead a session, "From Principles to Practice: Action-oriented Approaches to Create More Inclusive Programs" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June) 

Introduced a new IDP tool for career development professionals - with GCC Professional Development Committee subgroup colleagues Amber Ismael, Brian Campbell, Shawn Nordell, and Ioannis Chremos (recording of intro) at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

iCAP team members Matt Schwarz and Mary Munson present about the design of our new Investigator Career Advancement Program at the AAMC Group on Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) and Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA) Joint Professional Development Conference (June; poster award)

pd|hub team and Fellows Paola Cépeda and Suprawee Tepsuporn lead a session, "Strengthening postdoctoral programs to more inclusively address the complexities of career exploration: Insights from the pd|hub Collections" at the National Postdoctoral Association annual meeting (April) 


Keynote address at Boston University's AAU PhD Education Initiative team event (November)

Presented the I3IDP toolkit and IDP theoretical framework at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Sept.)

pd|hub team debuts the inaugural pd|hub Collection, Foundations of Career Exploration, at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Sept.)

Liz Genné-Bacon presents on the pd|hub Collections, and a new framework being developed by pd|hub to describe evaluation and research - at the SABER annual meeting (July)

I3IDP team presents "Impact of Individual Development Plans on Student’s Identity and Systematic Equity" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (July)

pd|hub team presents on the soon-to-debut pd|hub Collection for PhD Career Exploration at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (July)

pd|hub team presents on the pd|hub Collections as a new framework for advancing evidence-based practices in STEMM career development, National Postdoctoral Association annual meeting (April)

Invited speaker, NIH Training Directors Committee (March)

Invited speaker on implementation of IDPs in a T32 program, hosted by Texas A&M University (March)

Co-presenter, "The Role of Measurement in Evaluation and Research: A case-study of the toolkit for assessing IDP practices," hosted by the Graduate Career Consortium Professional Development Commitee (February)


Keynote speaker for 1-day workshop, STEM Master’s Individual Development Plans as an Essential Tool in Workforce Development, for faculty directors of STEM Masters programs, hosted by the National Professional Science Master’s Association, Council of Graduate Schools, and National Science Foundation (Nov.)

Invited panelist, "Higher Education for a 21st Century STEM Workforce," hosted by the Journal for Science Policy and Government and Sigma Xi (Oct.)

Co-presented with Bill Lindstaedt and pd|hub colleagues "Professional Development Hub's Collections: A new dissemination framework for graduate and postdoctoral education,"  (5-minute recording) at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Oct.)

Co-presented session, "Quantifying the Impact of IDPs," at Graduate Career Consortium annual conference (June)

Organized session, "Broadening impact of effective programs: Developing implementation guides for educational practices", at Graduate Career Consortium annual conference (June)

Invited seminar, Harvard Medical School Graduate Science Education Series (May)

Invited seminar speaker for the NIH Science Policy Discussion Group (April)

Invited panelist at GradFUTURES Forum, a week-long conference hosted by Princeton University (April)

Co-presented with Barbara Natalizio and Ryan Bixenmann at the National Postdoctoral Association annual meeting about pd|hub and needs and actions for enhancing postdoctoral career development (April)

Hosted pd|hub event, "pd|hub Report Public Release Event," featuring a panel of leaders across stakeholders in graduate education discussing proposed actions for systemic change in STEM PhD and postdoctoral education (March)

Moderated for session "Opportunity at Times of Change: Catalyzing the Evolution of Graduate Education" at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting (Feb.)


Co-organized a session “Broadening impact of effective programs: Developing implementation guides for educational practices” at the AAMC GREAT Group and GWIMS annual meeting (Sept.; canceled due to COVID-19)

Core presenter for "What is an Individual Development Plan? Lessons Learned from implementation in PhD programs", a webinar for STEM Masters programs, hosted by an NSF-funded Masters-IDP project led by the National Professional Science Masters Association and Council of Graduate Schools (July)

Co-presented "Impact Indicators and Instruments for Individual Development Plans (I3IDP)" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June 2020)

Presented at the SIG meeting for "Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Across the Disciplines" at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference (April; canceled due to COVID-19)


Co-organized the I3IDP Summit, bringing faculty, career development specialists, social scientists, and educational researchers to share expertise on IDPs and provide input that will shape our I3IDP assessment toolkit (Dec.)

Invited panelist for a session on the future of graduate education at the Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU) annual meeting (Nov.)

Presented on our curriculum approach to career development for the AAMC Innovations in Research and Research Education Award webinar (Oct.)

Co-organized a session “Is Our IDP Process Working? Creating a National Toolkit for Assessing the Outcomes & Impacts of IDPs” at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Sept.)

Co-organized a session “Enhancing Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in PhD Career Development” at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting (Sept.)

Invited panelist to describe our curricular approach at the NIGMS Training, Workforce, and Diversity (TWD) Program Directors' Meeting, "Preparing Trainees for a Broad Range of Careers" (July)   

Organized a multi-stakeholder workshop on "Enhancing Dissemination of Evidence-Based Models for PhD Career Development" at Janelia Research Campus (July)

Organized session "A New Frontier: Strategies and Outcomes for Embedding Professional Development Courses into the Core PhD Curriculum" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

Panelist for "Models of Institutional Support for Graduate Career Development: Successes and Challenges" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

Dr. Fenn presented a poster, "Career Pathways Communities to Facilitate Deeper Career Exploration: Student and Professionals' Perspectives from Evaluation Data and Interviews" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

Co-presented a poster with Corrie Kuniyoshi, "How Effective are our Individual Development Plan Practices? Creating a Toolkit for Assessing Outcomes and Impacts for Use of IDPs" at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting (June)

Presented keynote address at the 5th Annual Society of Postdoctoral Scholars Research Symposium, hosted by University of Kentucky  (May)

Invited panelist for MassBioEd’s Life Sciences Workforce 2019 Conference on Enhancing Career Awareness and Readiness Among Undergrads, Grad Students & Post Docs panel (May)

Invited seminar on the design and uses of myIDP (and Individual Development Plans) at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City (April)

Presented preliminary outcomes of integrating career development into our UMassMed curriculum at the Understanding Interventions annual conference (March)



Presented our curricular approach to career development in a AAMC/FASEB webinar as one of two institutions selected as modeling recommendations in the National Academies’ Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century report 

Consulted at Johns Hopkins University on career and professional development programs.

Co-organized plenary panel Leveraging Organizational Influence to Support Culture Change in the Academy at the NIH BEST Consortium annual meeting  

Invited presentation on plenary panel Creating Sustainable Organizations: Sustainability and lessons learned from the national stage at the NIH BEST Consortium annual meeting

Invited to present on the emergence of Individual Development Plans in the U.S. at the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Administrators annual meeting in Winnipeg, Canada

Co-led session at Massachusetts STEM Summit on job simulations as a PhD educational tool that may apply across educational levels

Presented posters on (a) early outcomes of our NIH BEST curricular UMassMed approach to career development and (b) Career Pathways Communities at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting

Invited moderator for session on enhancing research and evaluation as part of a 2-day roundtable discussion on the future of PhD career development, hosted by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Organized session “How do we know that our approach is effective? Building an evidence basis for professional development programs” at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting

Co-presented with Dr. Fenn a poster at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting on Career Pathways Communities

Co-designed as a member of the GCC Mentoring Program Committee a poster on the new GCC mentoring program at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting

Invited attendee for AAU workshop on measuring and reporting PhD career outcomes as part of the PhD Education Initiative

Invited faculty seminar on educational approaches using Individual Development Plans at Brandeis University

Invited to organize and introduce session, “Challenges Facing the Next Generation of PhD Scientists” at Bruce Alberts 80th Birthday Symposium on Science Education and Policy in San Francisco, CA

Presented via webinar to Health Research Alliance on national initiatives to advance the career development of scientists

Invited faculty seminar on Individual Development Plans at Worcester Polytechnic Institute



Invited keynote address at University of Iowa’s Annual Neuroscience Retreat

With Bill Lindstaedt, presented “Future directions for myIDP: an online career planning tool for bio scientists” at the National Science Foundation

Invited seminar “myIDP: Designs and uses of the career planning tool” at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City

Invited faculty seminar “Implementing Individual Development Plans” at Northeastern University

Invited panelist for webinar “Reaching all postdocs: Prompting career planning via required and opt-in career development activities” hosted by the National Postdoctoral Association

Visited University of Connecticut (Storrs campus) to present a faculty seminar on Individual Development Plans

Visited University of Connecticut Health Center to present a faculty seminar on Individual Development Plans

Co-organized a session “Advancing PhD career development through innovation and collaboration” at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting

Presented at the annual meeting of Association of Medical and Graduate Departments of Biochemistry (AMGDB),Adapting Graduate Education to Prepare Students for an Ever-Evolving Biomedical Workforce



Visited University of Toronto, Canada to teach a workshop on Individual Development Plans for faculty, then give the keynote address for an IDP symposium for graduate students     

Presented poster and featured short talk at the AAMC GREAT/GRAND Group annual meeting on our NIH BEST curricular model for career development

Co-organized a session on using learning objectives in PhD career development for the AAMC GREAT/GRAND Group annual meeting 

Presented poster at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting on our integration of Individual Development Plans into the graduate & postdoctoral curriculum

Presented “Experiments in Educational Innovation: Career & Professional Development” at the NIGMS Symposium on Catalyzing the Modernization of Graduate Education

Presented on IDP tools for American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics annual conference

Presented faculty seminar on Individual Development Plans at Ohio State University     



Presented poster at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting on our integration of Individual Development Plans into the graduate & postdoctoral curriculum

Presented “Professional development for graduate students: how is it structured, what are the gaps and challenges, how do we move forward” at the Council of Graduate Schools summit on “Shaping Graduate Student Professional Development for the STEM Workforce: Opportunities, Gaps, and Strategic Directions” (2017 CGS report)

Presented seminar on Individual Development Plans at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine   

Keynote Speaker presenting on Individual Development Plans for faculty CTSA symposium at University of Rochester School of Medicine     

Panelist for webinar “State of the IDP” hosted by the National Postdoctoral Association

Panelist in session “Mentoring Future Educators” for American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics annual meeting



Presented at the NIH BEST Consortium annual meeting on initial strategies for launching our career development curriculum

Presented on Individual Development Plans to principal investigators of NIH National Human Genome Research Institute training grants and diversity action plan grants

Presented poster at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting on our rationale for integrating career development into the curriculum

Presented poster at the AAMC GREAT Group annual meeting on using myIDP to meet NIH requirements for IDP reporting

Co-organized session at Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting on facilitating institutional culture change

Presented on graduate and postdoctoral training for career success at the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine annual conference

Presented webinar for NIH BEST Consortium on early lessons learned in our pilot IDP course



Keynote address on Individual Development Plans for the Postdoctoral Celebration at Mass General Hospital    

Presented at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting on strategies for establishing a new career development office

Presented data on career preferences for students and implications for graduate education at the National Directors of Graduate Studies in Pharmacology and Physiology annual meeting

Co-organized symposium on “Preparing our future scientific workforce to ensure the success of science” for the AAAS Annual Meeting



Presented poster at the AAMC GREAT/GRAND Group Annual Meeting on myIDP

Gave talk introducing beta version of myIDP at the Graduate Career Consortium annual meeting

Presented poster at the National Postdoctoral Association annual meeting on the beta version of myIDP

Presented beta version of myIDP to the steering committee for the NIGMS Strategic Plan for Training


(prior to 2012 not listed)