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Frequently Asked Questions

I have an idea for a scholarly/research project but I’m not sure how to get started. Who can I contact for help?

a.    You can reach out to any of our core research faculty if you already have a relationship with them and/or your project is synergistic with their interests. 

b.    If you are not sure who to reach out to, and/or you prefer to have a broader initial strategic discussion, you can contact Jen Carroll, Vice Chair for Research, at Jennifer.Carroll2@umassmed.edu, or Suzanne Mitchell, Research Director, at Suzanne.Mitchell@umassmed.edu

I would like to learn more about the research faculty, staff, and active projects in our department. How do I do that? 

a.    Research faculty and staff bios are available here 

b.    A list of our active projects will be coming soon! 

c.    While we strive to update our active projects list regularly, it is possible that there may be recent projects funded, or others completed, since this list was last updated. If you have any questions about our active projects, please contact Jen Carroll at Jennifer.carroll2@umassmed.edu.

What resources are available in our department to support me with my scholarly/research project?

We have some terrific resources in our department to support you with you work!

a.    Mentorship-Opportunities can be discussed based on your needs, career goals, and faculty availability and alignment with your interest areas. Please refer to our faculty bios for more information about content areas that our faculty that could help you. 

b.    Development of a research plan (or protocol) Protocol development and navigating the IRB-Philip Day

c.    Budget development support-Lorna Chaisson, Diana Castaldo

d.    Data management and analytics support-Department resources are limited and will be allocated based on the clarity, focus, and feasibility of faculty member’s research idea.

How can I get involved with research going on in the department of family medicine?

a.    We have a series of ongoing meetings and discussions that you are welcome to join at any time. You can come regularly or on an ad hoc basis, depending on your schedule and interests. For more information about the dates, times and zoom links for our meetings, please contact Sandra Girouard Todd at Sandra.GirouardTodd@umassmed.edu.

b.    Research-in-progress meetings-these meetings occur twice per month and a variety of topics are discussed such as study concepts being developed, operational or scientific topics for funded projects, and getting support, feedback, and problem solving for a variety of other research-related issues.

c.    Research Forum-these are monthly meetings in which we invite speakers to present on their research.

d.    Research faculty are also interested in coming to your clinical site, program group meetings, or other venues as appropriate to visit you and discuss your research/scholarly interests with your team. If this is something you would like to arrange, please contact Dan Mullin at Daniel.Mullin@umassmed.edu.

e.    If you are interested in getting involved with a specific research project, please reach out! 

I would like to present my study (or work-in-progress) at a meeting for my project. What are some opportunities to do that?

There are lots of great presentation opportunities! Here are a few to start with. You can also brainstorm with your team members to find other potential opportunities.

a.    Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) annual meeting Abstract deadlines are usually fall/winter for the meeting which is usually in April or May of every year.

b.    North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) annual meeting. Abstract deadlines are usually April of every year for the meeting which is usually in November of every year.

c.    Our departmental research-in-progress and research forum meetings

d.    UMass Chan’s Annual Research Retreat

I would like some help writing up my scholarly work for publication. What resources are available? 

There are many different types of resources available depending on your needs. Common areas that people may need help with are:

a.    General advice and guidance on how to prepare a manuscript for publication

b.    Preparing a poster or presentation for a scientific meeting

c.    Selecting an appropriate journal/list of journals for your paper: JANE, student and resident publication opportunities through STFM

d.    Writing or getting critical review, feedback on my manuscript:

e.    Preparing a reference list for your paper

f.    Other technical writing support, such as proofing, formatting of tables and diagrams

g.    Help navigating the journal submission process

Given the nature of help you need and time commitment to produce a publishable manuscript, we recommend you first find a mentor or faculty champion to help you as the first step. If you are not sure who to reach out to, please contact Jen Carroll, Suzanne Mitchell, or Philip Day. We can help you understand your needs and work with you to figure out a strategy for assistance.

I would like some help preparing a grant proposal. What resources are available?

There are many different types of grants to consider, and lots of resources, listservs etc you can sign up for to receive information about funding opportunities for your interest area(s). Regardless of the type of grant proposal you write and funding you solicit, it is critical that you first articulate a clear goal statement and clear, achievable, measurable objectives/aims for your proposal.

There are at least three types of grants to consider.  

Federal research grants - Not recommended for beginners. It is recommended for those without prior experience preparing federal research grants to work with a mentor, experienced research investigator or team for these types of applications.

    1. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Home Page | Grants & Funding
    2. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Funding Opportunities | PCORI
    3. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Funding & Grants | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
    4. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grants and Funding Opportunities | RWJF