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Worm meeting




Boston Area Worm Meeting

BAWM is a bi-monthly meeting of New England C elegans workers and meets at 3pm via Zoom.   Each meeting consists of three - four research talks of 20-25 minutes with breaks for conversation. 

Organizers and Contacts: Victor Ambros (victor.ambros@umassmed.edu)  and Joan Lynch (joan.lynch@umassmed.edu) UMass Chan Medical School.

RNA Data Club

The UMass RNA Data Club is a monthly meeting and open to all. The Club meets every third Tuesday at 9:30AM in NERB 1-1100. Each session consists of three 30-minute talks by principal investigators, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students, followed by 10 minutes of discussion; breakfast is served. The purpose of this club is to share the recent discoveries in the field of RNA biology and to facilitate interactions between laboratories. 
Sponsored by: Qiagen