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Employment Outcomes among People with Disabilities: Work-Related Determinants

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
By: Zlatka Russinova, PhD, Philippe Bloch, M.Ed and Anneliese de Wet, PhD


A systematic scoping review of research published between 2000 and 2020 on employment of people with disabilities, that was funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), was conducted by CeKTER researchers. All papers comparing people with disabilities to those without were excluded from the systematic scoping review. Among over 100 publications reviewed, there was a wide and very disparate array of findings with numerous variables used and varying research questions. This result belies summative findings. There are numerous ways of organizing the disparate findings. 

This brief is part of a series of findings from CeKTER’s systematic scoping review. In this brief, we report on findings about a range of work-related determinants impacting the employment of people with disabilities, including work history, accommodations, and workplace supports. Please note that all comparisons are always about corresponding peers with disabilities.

Download the brief here