Lab Members
The Forrester Lab is comprised of a group of dedicated individuals working together to identify social determinants of health and combat racial disparities, particularly for Black and Hispanic persons. Learn more about our research goals here.
Emmanuella Asiedu
Doctoral Student Researcher
Emmanuella got her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Northern Kentucky University and her MPH with a concentration in Epidemiology from Brown University School of Public Health. Her research interests are in social epidemiology and health disparities with an emphasis on how social structural factors impact chronic disease burden in marginalized communities and how to use what we know/learn from research to help reduce these health disparities
Mary R. Lee
Doctoral Student Researcher
Mary received her Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion from Weber State University and MPH and certificate in Epidemiology from Benedictine University School of Public Health. Mary’s research focus encompasses public health nutrition and health inequalities among racial minoritized groups, with a specific focus on food and nutrition insecurity in forms of structural and social determinants of health that are related to cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health.
Delice K. Ndaie
Clinical Research Coordinator
Delice got her undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Worcester State University with a concentration in Big Data analytics. As a coordinantor, she is involved with the design and development of survey materials. Her work also includes handling data collection and analysis for reporting as well as maintaining the website and handling the team’s social media presence.
Jennifer Batista
Clinical Research Coordinator
Jennifer’s work is focused on the design and development of Research projects as well as conducting in person and telephonic field searches. Recent studies include COVIDStory and COVIDVaxStories where the focus is to have individuals from Black and Latino communities tell their stories surrounding the pandemic and their experience with COVID vaccine and booster.